Hello again! I just wanted to let you all know that tomorrow is release day for the Back to School digis at Sassy Studio Designs. Lindsay has out done herself...again! If you have any kiddos who are going back to school, these are absolutely wonderful! Tonight at 12:01, 12:02 & 12:03 AM PST (2:01, 2:02 & 2:03 AM CST) there will posts going up at the SSD blog...these will include a note about the new release images, games and challenges! Be sure to check back tomorrow, first thing!
This evening from 4:00-7:00 PM PST (6:00-9:00 PM CST) we will be chatting it up at our Paper Craft Planet group. There might even be a freebie, so be sure to stop by for a sec!
I'll leave you tonight with a sample from our Back to School digital images...Backpack Brandy.