I've Been Tagged Again - 7 More Things About Me!

Silke over at her blog My Life has just tagged me. Thanks Silke for thinking of me and please check out her fun blog!

This is the second time I've been tagged - you can check out the first one listed on the right column under "Look Here to Find" . So now I will list 7 more Random Facts about myself to help you get to know me better. And then I tag 7 other bloggers - so please check them out at the bottom of this post!

1. I love to sit on the dock at our camp in NH and just read a book for hours at a time.

2. I'm an avid gardener but often times don't plan out my plantings - and so usually end up moving them here or there until I find the best growing spot for that particular plant!

3. I love the smell of my lilac bushes when they bloom in the spring. i have a whole row of them which acts like a natural fence and also fills the yard with their lovely aroma. I bring them in the house and to work so I can enjoy them during their brief blooming time.

4. Being a Virgo, I'm really organized but often leave 'piles' around the house knowing that I have a plan or a place for that to go - at a later time! But I expect others to put their 'piles' away immediately! I have to work on this.....

5. I love Barry Manilow (stop laughing) and I actually saw him in concert many years ago when he was backup for Bette Midler and he announced at that concert the he was just releasing his first album (yes - I'm that old!)

6. I painted the whole bottom half of my 2 story house by myself years ago when I was a single mother/homeowner - had to finally hire someone for the top half - just couldn't do the tall ladder while juggling a paint can!

7. I try to walk an hour every day.

Now hop on over to these great blogs of people I know on SCS and leave some comments on their great cards!

1. Judy (StampingQueenJAR) at Joy In A Jar

2. CarrollAnn (MrsBoz) at CarrollAnn's Corner

3. Deena (Moonrise) at A Creative Need

4. Neva (N5Stamper) at Scrappinbelle

5. Jean (AZstampcrazy) at It's in the Cards

6. Emma (EmmaF) at Lady & the Stamp

7. Shannon (E3Stamper) at Hoppy Creations

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